Growing towards a meaningful life is a work in progress

‘You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time.’
You do enough. You have enough. You are enough. You are a masterpiece, a unique work of art. Nevertheless, there is always room for change, transform, explore and evolve in your life journey.
Throughout my 18 years of yoga journey, I have learned that living the yogic life and moving towards becoming a ‘yogi’ is different than just practicing some yoga poses or even teaching yoga. Being a yoga teacher was also a journey, on its own. As a yoga teacher, sharing the invaluable ancient teachings became my life purpose. However, it took a long time to be able to unlock the depths of the wisdom of Yoga teachings and self awareness, to uncover the truth behind the layers and reach a certain level of consciousness. In addition, understanding the true meaning of wellness and adopting a holistic lifestyle, transformation for living a wholesome life did not happen overnight. Therefore for me, being ‘a work in progress’ is a lifetime work.
Everything that makes you ‘YOU’ are interconnected and they are all part of you. A healthy, happy and a wholesome life is all about finding balance and fulfilment in all aspects of your being; physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.
I believe nourishment, connectedness, self-study and finding your life purpose are essential for living a holistic and meaningful life.
Nourishment and connectedness: Your physical body is a sacred place that is given to you as a gift in this lifetime. Thus, it is your duty to take good care of your body, which is the home of your soul, your spirit. Nourishment of your body and soul is essential. By eating and hydrating well, sleeping sufficiently, moving a lot, breathing in a correct way and feeding your soul, you will influence your health and holistic wellness in a positive way. A powerful self-care routine, creating a wellness vision for yourself, reconnecting within, are the best ways to progress towards a better, balanced, fulfilling and wholesome life. Taking care of your body, mind, emotions and spirit is not a luxury but a necessity. Nourishment of your mind and soul by meditating, sharing, giving, connecting and living in harmony with nature are core elements of a holistic and healthy life.
Self-study and finding your life purpose: Self-awareness, insight through self-study and exploring the true purpose of your life is self-empowering. Your inner strength & drive, your determination, passion, motivation to reach your goals, living your life with a divine purpose is a crucial part of your holistic wellness and wellbeing.
Respect your uniqueness, be compassionate towards yourself. If you need to re-create yourself to connect with your ultimate best self, healthy and happy state, then do it.
And most importantly, feed your soul with love.
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